Showcase Bookable Spaces

Easy booking & venue management, all in one platform

AllBooked simplifies the management of your spaces and allows users to book with confidence.

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Highlight the best features of your facility

Add rich details to each space, giving your users a complete picture of what’s available.

Space images: Show off key features, amenities, and unique aspects of each space.
Descriptions & tags: Add detailed descriptions and special tags that attract bookings.
Clear pricing & availability: Let users know exactly what’s available and for how much.
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Interactive venue maps let users explore and book your spaces

Enhance the user experience with interactive maps that let users view and book spaces directly on a visual floor plan.

Custom built: Upload a floor plan (as rudimentary as you like), and watch as in 24-48 hours, your venue appears in AllBooked.
Interactive navigation: Users can click on different areas to view details, check availability, and make bookings all within the map.
Display space status: See which bookings are scheduled for which time of day.
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Keep users on your website with easy booking embedding

Powerful embed options allow users to book directly from your website, ensuring a simple, branded booking experience. No need to send users offsite—manage everything within your own platform.

Book Now button: Direct people securely from your website to a fast hosted SSL booking page hosted by AllBooked.
Embedded scheduler: Paste a code on your website to have users book directly on the site.
Customize dynamic views: You can configure specific views to show up on each of the embeds, so you could have multiple embeds on your website totally customized.
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Customization Options

Customizable look and feel for your unique brand

Create a branded booking experience that aligns with your facility’s look and feel.

Booking color rules: Define a set of conditions to automatically color bookings based on user tags, payment status, and more.
Custom UI color: Use your venue's colors in the booking interface, so users are familiar.
Use your logo: Put your logo on the booking platform so users can have a fully branded experience that you control.  
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"It is such an intuitive system that even our most tech-shy people have no problem using it, right from the get-go."

Mike W.
Studio Administrator

Explore the AllBooked feature suite

AllBooked makes it easy.
Join over 4,000+ customers already booking with AllBooked.
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