Frequently Asked Questions

What is AllBooked?
AllBooked by Skedda is the most powerful booking solution for community-based spaces. We work with athletic facilities, creative studios, coworking spaces, and more, and make it easy for their customers and members to book their courts, fields, rooms, desks, and other spaces.

Our software is centered around an ultra-easy booking experience, a highly customizable rules engine, and monetization capabilities. Founded in Australia in 2013, AllBooked is used by over 4,000 venues around the world. AllBooked was previously marketed under the name Skedda, and remains powered by the robust Skedda booking engine to this day.
How does AllBooked make booking easier for my customers and members?

We’ve designed AllBooked to be the easiest, most intuitive booking experience on the market. We know that not all of your customers and members are tech savvy, and we’ve built the system so that anyone can learn and understand it easily.

Some of the features we’ve built that make booking easier for your users include:

- An easily, visually intuitive booking interface
- Customizable space views, so users can easily see the spaces they want to see
- A mobile application, so users can book on the go
- The ability to showcase information about each space, including a photo and description
- A map view, so users can see the layout of your facility and picture where each space is located

How does AllBooked make booking easier for admins and business owners?

The goal of AllBooked is to let our software manage your bookings for you, so you don’t have to spend time managing them manually. We find that most venue owners have specific rules about which bookings they want to allow, and which they don’t – you likely don’t want to allow any booking by anyone at any time.

We’ve built the most extensive range of customizable booking rules on the market, so you can set up the rules you want. As a result, the system will do the work for you to ensure that only the right bookings are allowed, without you having to spend time checking them.

How does AllBooked help venues grow their revenue?

In addition to making your life easier, we also want to help you grow your revenue. We’ve seen AllBooked’s easy booking experience impact revenue directly – customers book more when it’s easy to book, when they can be confident that their booking is confirmed (without double booking or other issues), and when they have a positive experience with your venue start-to-finish.

In addition, AllBooked helps customers grow their revenue via custom pricing rules. Our sophisticated pricing rules let you charge different rates for different times of the day and week – for example, a higher price during peak hours and a lower price during off-peak hours. We also let you charge different prices to different customers – for example, lower prices for members than non-members. These rules let you charge the best price for every situation, maximizing revenue.

Lastly, AllBooked gives you an easy place to keep track of all your customers. We’ll give you a single screen view of everyone that has ever booked with you, and let you export those customers to a CSV. You can easily use this list to reach out to your customers using an email marketing system.

What industries does AllBooked serve?

AllBooked is designed to make space booking easy for a wide range of industries. Some of our most popular use cases include:

Athletic facilities: AllBooked is proud to serve a wide range of courts, fields, pitches, rinks, and pools. Our customers include facilities for tennis, pickleball, golf simulators, squash, padel, badminton, volleyball, cricket, soccer, football, basketball, baseball, hockey, lawn bowling, swimming, rugby, water polo, and much more.

Creative studios: AllBooked serves music studios, dance studios, art studios, performing arts centers, photography studios, pottery studios, printmaking studios, and more.

Coworking spaces: AllBooked partners with many coworking spaces, incubators, and office hotels, to enable booking hot desks, flexible offices, meeting rooms, day passes, memberships-driven spaces, shared lab spaces, and more.

Community spaces: AllBooked partners with community centers and community-oriented organizations of all kinds – including rec centers, libraries, not-for-profits, and more. We’re also proud to support religious spaces, including churches, chapels, cathedrals, temples, synagogues, mosques, and more.

Event venues: AllBooked has made it easier to rent out a wide range of event venue spaces, including conference spaces, function halls, theaters, museums, and more.

Shared healthcare facilities: AllBooked has a long and deep history of serving shared healthcare clinics, especially therapy clinics used by multiple therapists.

Private clubs: AllBooked has partnered with a wide range of private clubs, including country clubs, yacht clubs, golf clubs, tennis clubs, swimming clubs, and more.

As long as the list above is, it still doesn’t cover all the industries we serve! We’ve built the most flexible booking solution on the market. If there’s an industry that has physical spaces, and needs software to manage booking those spaces, we’ve probably worked with that industry before.

Is AllBooked part of Skedda? How is AllBooked different from Skedda?

AllBooked is a business unit within Skedda, focused on serving community-oriented use cases. AllBooked is built on the same core technology as Skedda, and offers the same space booking and management capabilities. Both AllBooked and Skedda are served by the same great support team.

Skedda’s other product is called Skedda Workplace. AllBooked and Skedda Workplace are optimized for different use cases. Skedda Workplace is optimized for employee and student-oriented use cases, whereas AllBooked is optimized for community-oriented use cases. If you’re an office or university, Skedda Workplace is probably the right product for you; if you’re an athletic facility, creative studio, coworking space, event venue, church, or other community space, AllBooked is probably the right product for you.

While both were built on the same core booking engine, AllBooked has some features that Skedda Workplace doesn’t have, including payment processing and pricing rules. Likewise, Skedda Workplace has some features that AllBooked doesn’t have, including SSO, Microsoft 365 Integration, and a Microsoft Teams app designed for workplaces. We have two separate development teams (one for each product), and those teams continue to develop differentiated features for each group of customers.

What's the best way to learn about AllBooked?

The best way to learn what AllBooked is capable of is to try it out! You can create an account here, and you’ll automatically receive a free 30-day trial. Once you create your account, you’ll get access to AllBooked immediately, and will be able to try out all the features AllBooked has available.

In addition to trying the product, we recommend exploring our Support Center, which has extensive articles and videos on every part of our product. If have additional questions, feel free to reach out to our support team any time at, or by clicking the blue chat icon in the bottom right corner of this screen.

How easy is AllBooked to get set up?

Setting up AllBooked is quick and easy. New venues often get set up in under an hour, without any technical expertise required. Our in-app guides will help you every step of the way, and our support team is available 24 hours a day to answer any questions you may have.

What kind of support does AllBooked offer?

AllBooked offers comprehensive support options, including email, chat, and a help center to assist users. Our support team is online 24 hours a day, 5 days a week, and responds to most inquiries in under two minutes.

How much does AllBooked cost?

AllBooked is free for the first 30 days. After 30 days, AllBooked offers three paid plans, all designed to be affordable for small and medium-sized businesses. For more information on pricing, click here.

Does AllBooked have a free option?

AllBooked does offer a 30 day free trial to all new customers. Unfortunately, we aren’t able to offer a free version after the first 30 days. For more information on AllBooked pricing, click here.

Does AllBooked have a mobile app?

Yes! AllBooked by Skedda shares the same mobile app as Skedda. The Skedda app is available on the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. To book spaces on an AllBooked venue, go to your app store and search Skedda. The app with the blue icon and Skedda logo is the right app to use.

Does AllBooked integrate with other systems?

Yes, AllBooked integrates with a wide range of other systems via Zapier, using the Skedda Zapier connector. AllBooked customers commonly integrate wiath access management and security systems (to control who is able to get into your building), smart building systems (such as lighting and HVAC), email marketing systems, reporting and analytics systems, and accounting systems. In addition, it’s easy to embed AllBooked’s booking screen on any website via iFrames.

For more information on our integration options, click here.

Does AllBooked support payment processing? What countries does AllBooked offer payment processing in?

AllBooked does offer payment processing, which means you can easily charge customers’ credit cards for bookings. AllBooked’s payment processing is powered by Stripe Connect, meaning we’re able to offer payment processing in every country Stripe operates in. For a current list of Stripe countries, click here.

What future changes can I expect as part of AllBooked?

We have an entire development team that is focused solely on building features for AllBooked customers. This team has an exciting product roadmap that includes membership management, additional pricing/ payments capabilities, service and event booking, and more.

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